Work modules

Module 1. Project Management and Coordination

Management of the project requires significant coordination, synchronization and transparency in each of the different tasks in order to achieve the objectives set. Project management goes beyond coordination of the scientific and technical aspects; it must supervise the fulfilment of the project objectives and ensure continuous communication between both teams.


  • Annual meetings for the general coordination of the project.
  • Periodic meetings for the coordination of specific tasks.
  • Establishment of diffrent channels of steady communication between both teams.
  • Definition of mechanisms to control the state of the project.

Task 1.1 Meetings

The project requires the following meetings: at the start of the project, a kick-off meeting will be held to define the first actions to be undertaken and plan their development. Besides, each year will begin with a mandatory meeting to review the actions taken and plan for the upcoming year. This meeting will be used to discuss scientific and technical matters related to the challenges faced by the teams and establish coordination mechanisms for the completion of the tasks defined in the project. In addition to these pre-established meetings, as many as necessary may be held, by any mechanism, and at any time.

Task 1.2 Continuous communication

In order to achieve the objectives set for this project, steady communication is essential between both teams. The meetings will be complemented by different means of communication such as electronic mail, videoconferencing applications, collaborative work platforms and the development of a website where the project’s progress will be published.

Task 1.3 Control of the State of the Project

Reviews, demonstrations and quality controls will be used as evaluation mechanisms for each task defined in the project. At the same time, participation in evaluation forums will also be considered to determine the quality of the methods that are being developed. The principal researcher of the coordinated projects, together with the rest of the principal researchers of the subprojects, will assure completion of all the necessary administrative tasks.