COntent Oriented LANGuage technologies
Natural language is the main means of interaction in human societies. When these societies move to the digital world, the interaction between elements generates digital content, also mostly made up of natural language.
Digital media and social networks have enhanced this interaction, creating an ecosystem of spaces where content is created and consumed in increasing quantity and speed. However, this ubiquitous environment of interaction has two opposing perspectives.
This website meets the accessibility requirements for people with the following difficulties
- Protanopia (red/green color blindness; abnormal red cones)
- Deutanopia (red/green color blindness; abnormal green cones)
- Tritanopia (blue/yellow color blindness; abnormal blue cones)
- Greyscale / color blindness (quick check for all forms of color blindness)

This research work is part of the R&D project «PID2021-122263OB-C22», funded by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”.